[Andi Cabiling | Rappler]

Pole dancing can be intimidating specially since it’s not just your typical workout. Gameplan host Katz Salao and working mom Trixie Monteron try to pole dance for the first time to change how women view their bodies, and to promote an active lifestyle using femininity as their best weapon.

“Pole dancing is a full body workout that is a combination of fitness and performance. It strengthens your arms, back, and chest. And it makes your core a lot more stable,” shared Kayleen Ortiz, a pole dance instructor at Polecats Manila.

“The most challenging movement for me was the first one that Kayleen taught us. When we had to grip the pole, and lift both our legs. And you had to hold that pose for as long as you can."

— Trixie Monteron

Pole Dancing for Beginners

You don’t have to be sporty or active in other physical activities to try out pole dancing. Kayleen herself didn’t come from a fitness background. “Pole was my first sport. So it’s proof that anyone can do it,” she said.

Even Trixie was amazed at how she was able to do the moves on her first try.

“The most challenging movement for me was the first one that Kayleen taught us. When we had to grip the pole, and lift both our legs. And you had to hold that pose for as long as you can. Imagine lifting your whole body just using your core and the whole upper body. It felt like I weighed a ton of bricks doing it. And I was able to do it surprisingly,” said Trixie.

“The bigger part of pole that I like is that it transforms how you see yourself. In pole, you realize that these things that have made you insecure before are really a source of strength.

— Kayleen

Acceptance is key

Pole dancing is not just about being fit or being able to perform the movements gracefully. There is a deeper reason as to why people like Kayleen enjoy doing it so much.

“The bigger part of pole that I like is that it transforms how you see yourself. In pole, you realize that these things that have made you insecure before are really a source of strength. You appreciate the arms that you have. You appreciate the thighs that you used to think were thick. But because of these things that you were gifted with, you are able to do amazing things on the pole,” shared Kayleen.

Like Kayleen, Katz and Trixie also learned to embrace what they once thought were their flaws.

“One of the moments that really struck me was when I wanted to lift my legs and hold on to the pole, but I couldn’t. And I couldn’t figure out why I couldn’t do the moves. I learned that everybody’s body is really different. And we’re going to react to the pole differently. And we’re going to do the moves differently,” said Katz.