By Philesia Manuel

My name is Philesia Manuel, owner of Romance and Dance Pole Aerobics.
I first fell in love with Pole Aerobics in 2008. As the maid of honor in a wedding, I was in charge of the bachelorette party. I rented a pole for entertainment; I was the only one on it all night. “I was truly in love”.

I told my husband, Bo, @poledanceentertainment I wanted a pole. He said “A what?” I said “A pole.” He said, “Really with three kids, yeah right.”

That weekend I came home, looked in my room, and discovered that my husband had made a pole for me. Yes, he made it! I called all of my girls and told them the good news. They rushed to my house; we danced, moved, and poled until midnight, all eight of us. After that, everyone was hooked, and every Saturday we practiced pole stunts. My husband
would get upset because I would always say I’m going to clean up, but ended up with my girlfriends doing pole aerobics.

Eventually eight girls turned into 12 girls and so on. My girls would tell their friends to, “… go over Phee’s (aka Philesia) house, she will give you a good work out on the pole. Then one day my husband came home and announced he was laid off from work. When I tell you God closes one door and opens another, I am a true example of that. I told my husband “No big deal, I’m not worried about it. The Lord will take care of us; I’m still working so I can handle it”. Then I came up with this idea to open a studio in my garage. My girls could come over to work out in a sexy new way! Pole Aerobics… My husband was very supportive and worked day and night making poles in the garage. Soon, from the floor to the ceiling, the garage became a red crushed violet and black colored Pole Aerobic Studio!!! (That’s the picture you see now) Now we had 4 poles. Everyone told their friends and it was an instant hit.

Meanwhile, I worked a 9-to-5 job fixing heaters, stoves, and going under houses (I still work as of today),so I work as a man during the day, but at night, I’m all woman… helping other women getting in shape a sexy new way.

Soon my clientele grew and we decided to open a studio in Carson, then in Rancho Cucamonga, and now June 28th at 2pm we will open our 3rd location. God is so good! My name is Phee and this is my story! Sorry it’s so long! No body is probably going to read this… lol Follow your dreams #Rich and #Famous please believe me!