[ | The Morning Bulletin]

“Staring at a black line for hours just didn’t cut it for me though so I turned to pole dancing,”

Tamara MacKenzie makes the complicated sport of pole dancing look easy as she spins around effortlessly metres in the air.

But months of intense training, strict diets and dedication go into each pole performance the professional pole dancer puts on show.

Tamara’s obvious talents have seen the local feature writer perform in the Queensland Pole Championships for a couple of years and now the 34-year-old needs the help of Central Queenslanders to push her to the next level.


Tamara MacKenzie in her Deadpool pole routine.
Tamara MacKenzie in her Deadpool pole routine.Vertigo Photography

After suffering from severe back pain, Tamara’s doctor recommended her to take up swimming to strengthen her core and alleviate her pain.

“Staring at a black line for hours just didn’t cut it for me though so I turned to pole dancing,” she said.

In her eight years on the pole, Tamara’s talents have grown considerably and she now trains in her garage which has been transformed into a personal sanctuary.

After impressing the judges at the Queensland Pole Championships, Tamara is now in the running to go national with her abilities.